Week Forty-Six


  1. Grab a Bible. If it fits your style, also grab a journal to write in.

    • Which Bible version is best? The one you read! If you don’t have one, let us know! Print, Online, and Apps are available.

    • Invite family or friends to join you.

  2. Pray! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you read. HE WILL.

  3. Check to see if there is a video to watch today

  4. Look up and read the assigned reading for the day.

  5. Look up the assigned Psalm that day: pray it out loud.

  6. Pray! Ask the Father to apply those readings to your life and to help you join Jesus where He is already working. HE WILL.

  7. Participate in Worship on Sunday!

November 18

Read Ephesians 5-6, then Pray Psalm 4. These two chapters of Ephesians contain much about what it looks like to follow Jesus in our homes, in our communities and in our daily lives. Study these words carefully! Memorize 6:13-18 and remember that “word” in verse 17 is the spoken word.

November 19

Read Philippians 1-2, then Pray Psalm 5. The poem of chapter 2 about Jesus is inexhaustible in its beauty and power. Spend extra time here…

November 20

Read Philippians 3-4, then Pray Psalm 6. Zoom in on Philippians 3:7-11. This is a powerful description of what it looks like to follow Jesus, trusting in HIS righteousness (not ours!), “but that which is through faith in Christ”. The Scripture here actually invites us to share in Christs sufferings!

November 21

Read Colossians 1-2, then Pray Psalm 1. Who is Jesus? Colossians 1:15-20 is a powerful answer. Write these words on your heart and remember all along, this is the One who has called and saved you! How do we know this? Read chapter 2!

November 22

Read Colossians 3-4, then Pray Psalm 7. Colossians 3 shows how the Christian life works: because Jesus has saved you, we are invited to join Him. We throw out brokenness and “put on the new self” in a daily exercise of renewal. Colossians 3:13 shows what this looks like in relationships…

November 23

Read 1 Thessalonians 1-2, then Pray Psalm 8. Notice this recurring theme in Paul’s letters: he invites the readers to imitate them even as they imitate Jesus. This is what is produced by faith!

November 24

Read 1 Thessalonians 3-4, then Pray Psalm 9. Study 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and always start with verse 18! This paragraph is where we see what will happen when Jesus returns. Do not be misled by false teachings which say this passage shows a “secret rapture”. On the contrary, verse 16 declares this will be a very loud event! The passage is clear in its teaching: Jesus is coming back and when He does, the dead in Christ will rise first, and “we who are still alive will be CAUGHT UP together with them” to meet the Lord in the sky! This will be our moment of ultimate victory! It is HIS PROMISE TO YOU AND ME. It is NOT some sort of thing we need to fear or worry about, wondering if we will “miss the rapture” or be “left behind”. Those are the words of judgement, fear and ultimately, lies. The true words are given to us so that we may “encourage each other with these words”!!!