Tools for 2022 Family Meeting

Greetings Everyone! On January 30, 2022, Praise & Worship will assemble our membership to approve our new leaders, our new budget and review all that is happening with our church organization.

The information and resources below are provided so that you can prepare in advance for that meeting. Please do let us know of any questions you may have or additional resources you would like to see.

Family Meeting Agenda

Download the Agenda for the upcoming Family Meeting on January 30th. We look forward to you joining us for some food, fellowship, and to help us take care of a few chores that we need to work on together.

2022 Proposed Budget

Download a Summary of the 2022 Budget formulated by the Leadership Team and provided for congregational review and approval. Please review this summary and bring any questions you might have to the Family Meeting.

Updates to the Constitution and By-Laws

Download the proposed changes to our Constitution and By-Laws. Your Leadership Team completed a full review of these documents during 2021 and propose a few adjustments. The two major changes are highlighted in red. There were a few grammatical and clarification changes made, and these changes are simply highlighted so you can note them. Please bring any questions to the meeting. If there are no other changes, we will ask for Congregational approval before sending it to the Missouri District for final approval.